Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fat and Jovel

so im sitting at my huge family reunion last saturday. it was my great aunties 50th wedding anniversary. over 80 relatives to desifer, name, parent, grandparent - all leading to the head of the family "grandma Tunnell" (my great grandmother).

with sore feet, and my "kelly! its so lovely to meet you - again. you look just like your mother! and youve grown so much since i saw you last" at its quota. i sat next to this angelic little lady who informed me that she was my "aunty peggy". married to my late uncle Jimmy, who was my grandmothers brother.

surprisingly, sitting next to this little woman was a highlight of my day. she told me about what my grandmother was like before she was married exclaiming at the top of her voice that my nana was "fat and jovel!". how "in her day" they never worried about being pregnant, with no ultra sounds, and no way to tell if the baby was ok they just "got on with it, cause every one was in the same boat, so it didnt really matter".

she told me that she had never left new zealand, having traveled around the north island, and only to the top of the south island, she was happy to explore the world though her tv, and the stories of her well traveled grandchildren. she didnt like chrocodiles, and when i told her about my jet skiing story in costa rica she screwed up her face like a mischivous child being told to eat her soggy tripe.

she ate small amounts, exclaiming that it was because she didnt move around much, and she had to watch her weight (she was tiny and thin), but didnt complain, in fact smiled secretivly when i snuck a second oyster canape onto her plate. she said that even though she was 82 she was still ok to drive, so long as she didnt have to do any right hand turns. which basically ment she could get to the supermarket and back. she told me to turn around and show off my tatoo, to her grandaughter, telling her that she though it was "very nice".

coherant, alive, interactive, and interested in everything from everyone, of every age, my dear Aunty Peggy sat on the couch, surrounded by loving family, doating over her and filling her up on tea.

sadly, 4 days later... we have just had the news that today aunty peggy died. although i know she lived right to the end. im saddened to know that yet another part of our family has left us, but pleased that she got a chance to see everyone in the same room just one more time... it must have been worth living for.

RIP aunty peggy.... you will be missed.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

ladies and gentleman...

i now pronounce you husband and wife...

no not me silly... my mum and her now husband david. they got married yesterday, after being together for 7 years. 'bout bloody time i say!

thought you might like to see some photos from it...

mum, david and me...
me and aunty dawn...

me and nikki above, and

me and bryce below...
love and pixie dust.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

heres a thought...

hello possums.

sorry i have not written in so long, but with the holidays here... life has gotten in the way.

life in new zealand is good. but it dosnt feel like home... im itching to get back to Canada/Costa Rica and get working again...

i have a thought for you. in eastern philosphy its said that what we think about and surround ourselves with in our lives that that is what we will encourage more of into our lives.
so... why in the evenings do many people sit for hours in front of the tv consumed by programs about murder, incest, crime, rapes, psycho serial killers and other horrible things like coronation street where everyone is continuously arguing, caniving, and back stabbing each other... and the worse of them all, the weakest link, where belittling people is used as entertainment!

is this what we want to bring into our lives? could this be a controbution to the high devorse rate? if all of these things are brought into our homes as the every day norm is it surprising that it becomes the norm for our real relationships?

love and pixie dust.