hold on to your hat and pants.
well the last couple of days have been fun, interesting and kinda scary at the same time.
lots going on in the world of this pixie at the moment and its hard to find that balance between going at it full throtle, and going back to bed because its just all to hard!
going though all my stuff to get ready to move back to canada is full of memories, and has been a great lesson in "non attachement". its funny the things that im really attached to though. like the small tool set my aunty gave me as my first house warming present.
i have also aquired a new trunk to add to my now collection of two! it was owned by a P.N Issac who was a wing commander in WWII. and was with him on his trip from auckland - london on the ruahine. pretty cool eh?
now back to moving to canada, now that its alittle under a month till i return im feeling alittle scared, very excited, and alittle anxious. (i can tell because ive been craving chocolate and gingernut biscuits). my dad has embarked on this adventure with me and is helping me to buy my first appartment (i know... roots!). so i spend a good part of my week looking at appartments in vancouver sent to me by my real estate agent, and tripple confirming that there will be no more "hidden" costs with my mortgage broker.
as for going back to costa rica any time soon its kinda up in the air. im craving to have some work that can take my mind of my bills for a while. as the bill department in the next 6 months is only going to get worse.
im ready to send out my book proposal to agents in north america but do you think i can get one of those 2006 agents in amercia books? ah... no. try a 2 week wait and $52 later (for a $20 book) looks like unless i can bribe a friend to go and take notes for me. im going to have to wait till i get back to canada.
and last but not least my workshops, well nelson looks like it might happen, which is great. but blenheims looks like it might have to be cancelled. but hey! its a learning curve right? and i have already learnt alot. alittle bummed that i wont be able to have them go ahead, i have nothing else to do but keep going and planning the next one which will be in vancouver.
oh well... love and pixie dust everyone!
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